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 we offer you all you can emagine about transiting suez canal

 Details & Description      

 Dear sirs,
We are glad to intrduce to you our services through our company Suez Canal 
easyway .
We are an egyptian company working with all kind of services connected with 
Suez Canal . transiting assistance, provision providing , agency helping .
Same time we have a good product issued by our company including all you can 
emagine about suez canal , our product is one book attached with a C.D., the 
book with the C.D include the following :
-Rules of navigation last edition issued from suez canal authority ( Dec. 
2007 )
- Summry for all instructions, circulars issued from SCA up to 2008 .
- All information about suez canal required from owners, masters, crew 
about        transiting , authorities allowed to visit the ships attached with 
all kind of               documents required from all authorities in a 
copyable forma in th C.D .
- All information required from ships masters to know before arrival and 
when      arrive tell going out the Canal .

Other way we also can help all owners, charters, masters and crew in the 
following :
- Give a good assistance to owners, charters, masters to provisions, 
spare                 suppliers with minimum prices .
- Give good assistance to owners, charters, masters about high service agency 
   with minimum prices and good service same time .   
- We can offer a good assistance to all owners, charters in how to calculate 
the transiting dues for all kind of ships in very close calculation to SCA 
calculation and also can answer any question regarding any kind of cargo 
proplems and how to calculate the dues , its prepared by ex suez canal 
officials , also can give you all kind of informations about all ships and if 
it transited the canal before or not .

Our srevices and prices is very cheap  you will not expect it .
For the book and C.D, we can offer it in packages, its one including 10 pcs  
with price 300 $ ( 10 books + 10 C.D ) .
Other services we can give prices according to service kind .

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