Dated :- 30/08/2006
Good Day.
Please purpose suitable vessel for the below given cargo details.The cargo is
prompt at Kandla.The cargo details are as follows:-
Loading Port :- Kandla / India
Discharging Pot :- Beira / Mozambique
Commodity :- Cement
Packing :- 50 Kg PP Bags
Quantity :- 2000 MTS
Loading Rate :- 1500 MTS
Discharging Rate :- 1000 MTS
Laycan Days :- 30th August 2006 to 5th September 2006
We are also interested in Time Charter. If any vsls of Dwt 2000 to 3000 we are
ready to take in TC basis.
Awaiting for positive reply from your End.
Oasis Empire Shipping Services
Office No-316,3rd Floor,
Plot No-117, Sector-08,
Plaza Centre, Oslo circle,
Gujarat ,India.
Telefax :- +91-2836-238678
Email :-